Course curriculum

    1. Instructions: How to Build your Model for Leadership Accountability

    2. Download: Build your model guide

    1. Download your Guide

    2. Coaching Readiness, Copyright & Non-disclosure acknowledged

    1. The 5 Steps for Creating Accountability

    2. Mindfulness Audio: Leading the mind through resistance and disagreement in your context

    3. Step 1: Why, Why Now & Why You?

    4. Step 1: What happens when we do or don't lead with Why

    5. Step 1: Leading self, others & Building your Model with Why

    6. Mindfulness Audio: Leading the Why with Dual Awareness

    7. Step 2: What and What done looks like

    8. Step 2: Distinguishing between What and How

    9. Step 2: Preparing the What - how to prepare and troubleshoot

    10. Step 2: What and the Exceptions to the Rule

    11. Step 2: Leading Self through the What and Building your Model

    12. Step 3: When & the last responsible moment

    13. Step 3: The Last Responsible Moment

    14. Step 3: When we discuss "When" or don't discuss "When"

    15. Step 4: Inquire about How

    16. Mindfulness Audio: Leading the How by invitation or not - knowingness from the body

    17. Book your Individual Coaching Session for week 2

    18. Mindfulness Audio: Leading the connection between awareness and the body

    19. Step 5 Overview & Inviting commitment

    20. Mindfulness Audio: Leading Commitment when it is not what was expected

    21. Step 5: Inviting consequences

    22. Mindfulness Audio: Being the singular point of accountability

    23. Step 5: Inviting measures

    24. Step 5: Inviting updates

    25. Step 5: Inviting needs

    1. Accountability = {f}Relationships: how to use this to your advantage

    2. Relationship that sustains the energy

    3. Relationship that sustains the energy: Purpose

    4. Relationship that sustains the energy: Safety

    5. Relationship that sustains the energy: Conditional Relationships

    6. Book your Individual Coaching Session

    1. How to trouble shoot accountability conversations

    2. Creating Dual Awareness

    3. The Cyclic nature of the 5 Steps

    4. How can I trouble shoot with Why?

    5. Troubleshooting "When"

    6. Troubleshooting task and skill challenge

    7. Troubleshooting Impediments, Dependency and Blame

    8. Troubleshooting excuses, blame and blockers

    9. Agreed Measures

    10. Book your Individual Coaching Session

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 83 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content