Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Program

    2. Program Brochure Download

    3. What is in it for me?

    4. Leading Accountability Program Overview

    5. How to prepare for the program

    6. How to prepare for each week

    7. A Note on Model Building

    8. Why and What of the Mindfulness Audios

    9. Copyright and Non-disclosure

    10. Coaching Readiness, Copyright & Non-disclosure acknowledged

    11. Join your Group Coaching Call

    12. Optional: Help me plan

    13. Optional: Creating Mindful Leadership through Dual Awareness

    1. Download your Workbook

    1. Download Course Schedule

    1. What is this week for?

    2. Responsibility vs Accountability

    3. The issue of Authority

    4. Troubleshooting "When"

    5. Relationship that sustains the energy: Safety

    6. Relationship that sustains the energy: Conditional Relationships

    7. Decision-making Leadership

    8. Developing your Range of Task and Relationship focus

    9. Leading with better questions

    10. Change the frame when inquiring about How

    11. How to trouble shoot accountability conversations

    12. The Cyclic nature of the 5 Steps

    13. Feedback = {f} Accountability

    14. What experts say are The 5 Components of Building Accountability

    15. Bonus Mindfulness Audio: Creating Dual Awareness

    16. Practical Skills to support Creating Accountability Conversations

    17. How can I trouble shoot with Why?

    18. Developing your range of Process and Result focus

    19. Troubleshooting task and skill challenge

    20. Troubleshooting Impediments, Dependency and Blame

    21. Troubleshooting excuses, blame and blockers

    22. Permission to keep them to account & delegating authority

    23. Agreed Measures

    24. Creating Accountability self-assessment of outcomes

    25. Optional Mindfulness Audio: Welcome to the end of Module 1

    1. What to expect in Module 2

    2. How to Prepare for this section

    3. The energy of accountability

    4. Optional Mindfulness Audio: The energy of accountability directed at you

    5. The 4 Main Aspects to the energy of accountability

    6. Taking the energy of accountability inward

    7. The energy of accountability: Acceptance (Ownership)

    8. Optional Mindfulness Audio: The energy of accountability directed at others

    9. Leading the energy of accountability

    10. Optional Mindfulness Audio: The Corrective and Nurturing Sides of Accountability

    11. Leading the energy of accountability: Co-designing

    12. Leading the energy of accountability: Inviting new information

    13. Leading the energy of accountability: Letting Go

    14. Leading the energy of accountability: Making Sense

    15. Leading the energy of accountability: Empathy

    16. Leading the energy of accountability: Suspend Reality

    17. Leading the energy of accountability: Re-create

    18. Book your individual coaching session for week 5

    1. How to Prepare for this section

    2. Tools to keep others to account: An Exercise

    3. Tools for keeping others to account

    4. Download Tools for keeping others to account

    5. The issue of Failure

    6. Prepare for and attend your peer session (week 7)

About this course

  • $876.00
  • 122 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content